mtsinaishul. com Treasurer:president@mtsinaishul. mtsinaishul

com Treasurer:president@mtsinaishulmtsinaishul com

com Racheli Taubes, Yoetzet Halacha yoetzet@mtsinaishul. Mount Sinai Jewish Center. com to join the waitlist. Office staff can be reached at (212) 568-1900 or office@mtsinaishul. Join Our Mailing List . 212-568-1900; [email protected] charges stem from an incident that occurred Friday, Sept. 568. to-date programming information. 5% of the price of your eligible purchases to our shul. is apprectiated. com RABBI MORDECHAI SCHNAIDMAN RABBI EMERITUS. 8992 OFFI ERS: Yehuda Krupka President president@mtsinaishul. If you plan on using the babysitting services, you must register by Thursday, May 3rd. com. Are you available to help deliver Mishloach Manot or Matanot L’Evyonim on Purim day? To volunteer for a time slot, [email protected] or drop your submissions in the To sponsor our next issue, email [email protected] 212-568-1900 Shul Office Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Rabbi Schwartz Office Hours: Monday nights by request; 212-568-1900; [email protected]//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. com or 347-974-3968. com support the Shul March Kid’s Kesher Submission Deadline to submit for March is February 25th! Send in your birthdays, drawing, and stories to office@mtsinaishul. com Rabbi – Rabbi Ezra Schwartz : [email protected] or 212-568-1900. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 Friday NightIf you would like a nametag, please email [email protected] you would like to sponsor the kiddush please email [email protected] Nike Prroj, Building Manager OFFI E HOURS: Please call or email the office to make an appointment. 0 PRODID:-//ShulCloud. To make a donation to the community eruv, visit and choose "eruv sponsorship" from the drop down menu. taking place in the Social Hall at 10:30pm. Saturday Night, February 2nd, 2019. All sheilot should be sent to Rabbi Baruch Simon at 917-803-1588. Join Our Mailing List . com Sarah Ratner Vice President. The J of Washington Heights will be receiving a large shipment of Pesach groceries on Monday, March 8. _____ Daily . Gan Kachol (Blue Room) 6 weeks-12 months (pre-walking) (as of September 6th, 2022) A safe place for your infants means you feel safe. YU Eruv Status Click Here. Please do not make the video public before the event. -k? Submit your name to be listed in our graduates edition of the Kesher using the link below! Membership MeetingPlease email [email protected] Rabbi Schwartz’s Office Hours Monday Nights by. Upcoming Events Shiur with Rabbi Yoni Rabinovitch Wednesday, September 20th, 8:00pm Join us on Wednesday for a shiur with Rabbinic intern, Rabbi [email protected] to add/remove a [email protected] Zack Schrieber, Recording Secretary Shira indiger, Financial Secretary Treasurer 7:15am Office Hours: by appointment only. 0 PRODID:-//ShulCloud. com. This ommittee, to consist of 5 Mount Sinai members, will work together (independent of the oard) to nominate aBEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. Daily Daf Yomi: Hop on for the daily dose of daf! Newcomers welcome! Sundays, 9:30am (Sunday ID: 150 849 065) Mondays-Thursdays, 8:15pm (Weekday ID: 540 883 465) WhatsApp QR code Shavuot Gate Decorating! Submit artwork by June 1st! Help us beatify our shul and get into the holiday. com to add/remove a name. com Atara Eis-7474 ; yoetzet@mtsinaishul. As always, no one will be turned away due to an inability to complete payment for a seat [email protected] add/remove a name to the list, email [email protected]. com Sarah Ratner, Vice President vp@mtsinaishul. president@mtsinaishul. com Nike Prroj, uilding Manager OFFI E HOURS: M-Th 9:30am-3:30pm Friday 9:30am-11:30am OFFI ERS: Ari Senderowicz President [email protected] join via computer, go to ring in the holiday cheer this season with a virtual Mystery Maccabee Hanukhah UPOMING EVENTS MSJ WHATSAPP IN OUR OMMUNITYPlease email [email protected] Sarah Ratner, Vice President [email protected] before 1pm on Friday (1/13/23). The entire community is invited for a breakfast after the first Shacharit Minyan on Erev Pesach, April 22nd at 6:40 am. 921. Games begin at 9:00 PM TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I. Mount Sinai Eruv Checked By: Sponsor The Eruv Here. Monday, September 27th, after Maariv. YU Eruv Status Click Here. com. This form is now closed. BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. com with the name and email address of your proxy. com. Mount Sinai Eruv - Up. Come out and celebrate COMMUNITY, CHESED and CHANUKAH in a fun & meaningful way! Rayim Yachad will be joining! Volunteer projects are from 10:00am-12:00pm . com//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. Sinai’s GreenTeam in a Tu B’shvat event. All are invited to attend. Please contact education@mtsinaishul. Registration closes on 10/2 at 11:59pm. Register This form is not active. IN KIDS ORNER HIGH HOLIDAY SEATS FOLLOW MSJ! Wednesday PROGRAMMING & EVENTS RA I’S DISRETIONARY FUND Junior Minyan / Minyan Katan Rabbi Taubes's hildrenDiscretionary Fund assists communitykeeps you up-to-date with the latest news, events, minyanim and happeningsBEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. Register for our annual Shemini Atzeret dinner. Although the office is not open, feel free to reach out via phone or email with any questions during normal business hours. com Rosh Hashanah Sarah Ratner, Vice President [email protected] of Lag awith any questions or concerns. Office Hours-Thursday 9:00 5:30 Friday 9:00 - 1:00 (212) 568-1900 [email protected] [email protected] Lag a Shani San Solo, Recording Secretary Shira indiger, Financial Secretary Treasurer-Th 8am4pm | Fri: by appointment only Office Hours: M Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900. The Holidays Sub-Committee is responsible for running social community programs focused around Jewish holidays, including Simchat Torah, Purim, Yom Haatzmaut, and Shavuot, with the goal of initiating or enhancing communal celebration of each holiday. BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. asketball at MSJ Join us for weekly basketball. Meet new people during Shabbat dinner at Mount Sinai. Offering Tots (2's) until 1PM and 3:30PM, and full-day 3’s through. com with specific sponsorship language to include in the kesher ( in honor of, in memory of, etc) Total Tue, November 21 2023 8 Kislev 5784 Each additional Chinese auction/raffle ticket is $5. com Treasurer:president@mtsinaishul. Daily Daf Yomi: Hop on for the daily dose of daf! Sundays, 9:30am (Sunday ID: 150 849 065) Mondays-Thursdays, 8:15pm (Weekday ID: 540 883 465) It’s that time of year again! All shul memberships are expiring 12/31/22 and we are excited to kick off our 2023 Membership Drive. Please contact the office at office@mtsinaishul. com (212) 568-1900 Men’s Mikveh - (212) 923-8410 Located at Dumbrow- 121-131 Bennett Ave. Games are open solely to those who are fully vaccinated. Please contact the office at [email protected]. the supplies, but please send an email to the office or to [email protected] or call 212-568-1900. 12:00 AM—12:55 AM · Rabbi Ezra Schwartz, Topic: Perspectives on Zionism, Main Sanctuary 1:00 AM—1:55 AM · Zahava Wapner, Topic: The Six Day War: פרסומי ניסא, Location: Youth Room (Downstairs) Does just the thought of budgeting stress you out? Then you won’t want to miss this practical, hands-on workshop. com. 212-568-1900, office@mtsinaishul. Submission does not guarantee a public screening at the Mount Sinai event. Pick-up a copy of the Kids Kesher at shul, or view it online atpresident@mtsinaishul. He joined Mount Sinai after marrying his wife, who has been a member at Mount Sinai for far longer than he has. Click here to go straight to registration! A Magical Night That Will Make All Your Dreams Come True. com 5:53 pm 5:58 pm Shacharit 9:00 am ’at Shema 9:56 am Youth Groups-Free Play 9:45 am Minyan Katan 10:15 am 10:20 am 3:00 pm Mincha/Seudah Shlishit 5:35 pm Shkiah 6:10 pm Maariv/Havdalah 6:57 [email protected]@mtsinaishul. Editor - Zach Schreiber. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 Shabbat Day hildren’s Groups:[email protected] currently teaches Biology and Chemistry at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls and Jewish Law and Bible classes at Stern College for Women. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900. com Shani San Solo, Recording Secretary Shira indiger, Financial Secretary Treasurer Office Hours Mon-Thurs: 8:00am-4:00pm | Fri: 8:00am-11:30am Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. Join Our Mailing List . com to add/remove a name. BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. com 201. regardless of when that call may come. com RABBI ETAN SCHNALL RABBINIC INTERN [email protected] to add/remove a name. com OFFI ERS: Yehuda Krupka President [email protected] 7:30am Zack Schrieber, Recording Secretary Shira indiger, Financial Secretary Treasurer Office Hours: by appointment only. com. Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 5:30 Friday 9:00 - 1:00 (212) 568-1900, [email protected] you, or someone you know, male or female, is interested in speaking about your experiences with postpartum depression, please email office@mtsinaishul. com (212) 568-1900Click here to go straight to registration! A Competition That Will Take You . A beautiful and historic. ombuds@mtsinaishul. com (Dovid Simpser, Devorah Rudin, Yosef Rabinowitz) Complete Grievance Policy and Procedure . com 4:20 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 4:25 pm Hashkama 7:00 am Post Hashkama Shiur 8:50 am Shacharit 9:00 am RGM 9:05 am Zman Kri’at Shema 9:12 am Minyan Katan 9:45 am 10:00 am Tot Shabbat 10:20 am Early Mincha 3:00 pm Shabbat Speaker 3:15 pm Mincha/Seudah Shlishit 4:00. Reguer and Mr. com to add/remove a name. com//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. com Ari Senderowicz Recording Secretary Naama Levin Zman Kri Financial Secretary Ari Rieser Treasurer OFFI E STAFF: Mirasha Moore Executive Director [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Please email office@mtsinaishul. Pajama Havdalah for Kids! Motzei Shabbat, November 18th, 5:45pm. reakfast at 9:30am and shiur at 9:45am. com Shani San Solo, Recording Secretary Labor Day Shira indiger, Financial Secretary Treasurer Office Hours Mon: losed Tues-Thurs: 8am-4pm & Fri: 8am-12pm Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. com Sponsorships The Kesher is sponsored by Dr. Erica Brown is a writer and educator who works as the scholar-in-residence for The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and consults with for the Jewish Agency and other Jewish non-profits. com (Dovid Simpser, Devorah Rudin, Yosef Rabinowitz) Complete Grievance Policy and Procedure . * Last Name. During this difficult time, Rabbi Taubes will be helping those in our community who are experiencing hardships and loss of income. com or 212 -568 1900), our Executive Director, in order to arrange a dues schedule that works for you in a manner that is discreet and respectful of your personal finances. We encourage everyone from the community to participate!Questions? [email protected] to Mount Sinai Jewish Center! 135 Bennett Avenue New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 mtsinaishul. Mount Sinai Eruv Checked By: Sponsor The Eruv Here. Sat, November 18 2023 5 Kislev 5784. Share Print Save To My Calendar: Email. com Rabbi David Weiss [email protected]//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. 6th Annual Trivia Panoply. com. com with any h 8:40am-8:55am Tefilla Chabura (Rotating Contributers) 15 minute chabura by community members 84 (929) 205-6099RABBINIC CHARITY FUND Meeting ID: 730 487 084 COMMUNITY NOTICEoffice@mtsinaishul. com Shani. If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to designate a proxy to vote on your behalf, please email [email protected] office@mtsinaishul. com Sarah Ratner Vice President [email protected] Dear ommunity, Sefer Vayikra opens with G Over the past couple of days and weeks, (and perhaps months), we have been busy getting our homes ready for Pesach. בס“ד . Theme By. We look forward to building a truly special mikdash me’at together with you. * Email. Please contact [email protected] Purim arnival Wednesday, March 8th, 3:30pm-5:15pm Join us for a Purim arnival on Shushan Purim! Enjoy art, treats, games, prizes, and a special show at 4:15pm! efore. c) The Purim Committee will choose the best of all of the submissions to be screened at the Purim event. Mount Sinai Eruv - Up. Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. 212-568-1900, office@mtsinaishul. Pajama Havdalah for Kids! Motzei Shabbat, November 18th, 5:45pm. m. [email protected]@mtsinaishul. Should your initial attempts at direct resolution prove unsuccessful or unsatisfactory, you may then choose to file a. com or call (212)568-1900 ext. Masquerade. If you would like to help set up or clean up, please email kiddush@mtsinaishul. office@mtsinaishul. Please contact [email protected] PRODID:-//[email protected]. Oren can be reached at (212) 568-1900 or [email protected] for more information. com//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. Fodde in honor of Anna. Daily Daf Yomi: Hop on for the daily dose of daf! Newcomers Welcome! Sundays, 9:30am (Sunday ID: 150 849 065) Mondays-Thursdays, 8:15pm (Weekday ID: 540 883 465) WhatsApp QR code Stay up-to-date about upcoming. Please be in touch with the office if you have any questions about payment or seat reservations. Today's Sefirah Count Is 48. com. is apprectiated. Racheli can be reached at [email protected] add/remove a name to the list, email [email protected] Ari Rieser, Vice President vp@mtsinaishul. " Team names must be submitted to [email protected]. Thank you for joining us and supporting our shul! Important Notice If you have not received Eruv or Shul announcements in the last few weeks, please email us at office@mtsinaishul. To contribute to our weekly Torah Tidbits, email torahtidbits@mtsinaishul. Rosh hodesh Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. COMMUNITY NOTICE There are new procedures in place for the Washington Heights Women’s Mikvah. 0 PRODID:-//ShulCloud. Purchase online at mtsinaishul. Five+ rounds. * First Name. Social Hall – Ballroom Our elegant and airy social hall was renovated in 2010 and includes 3,600 square feet of floor space and lofty 30-foot ceilings. Please click here to submit questions anonymously. KIDS ORNER SPONSORSHIPS HIGH HOLIDAY SEATS PROGRAMMING & EVENTS Open Learning Shabbat Afternoon, one hour before Mincha ome and join us this Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary forRacheli Taubes at [email protected] PRODID:-//ShulCloud. The next Shabbat Mevarchim Kiddush will be This weekend, May 24th, Parashat Bamidbar. office@mtsinaishul. Categories of Staffcontact Oren or Sam in the shul office office@mtsinaishul. com Mirasha Moore, Executive Director [email protected] Ari Rieser, Vice President [email protected]//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. com to add/remove a name. com. Please note this is heavy lifting work!KIDS ORNER SAFETY & SEURITY UPDATE To join via computer, go to You may also join by dialing (929) 205-6099 followed by the meeting [email protected] of tefilot and other items online. Racheli can be reached at [email protected]. com or president@mtsinaishul. Sinai through the Amazon Smile program! Michael is originally from New Jersey (Clifton or Passaic, depends on the day) and moved to Washington Heights over 9 years ago. GymSchedule Sunday: Men’s Basketball, 7:30 p. Categories of Staff contact Oren or Sam in the shul office office@mtsinaishul. Streaming Torah Together. 1) Go to Avraham Gavriel en Elana Tziporah Devora at Malka Michal haya at hana Leah aruch en Rosalyn, Yocheved at Shoshana Melissa Rachel at Geula Yehuda Refael en Freda Shabsie en Pesha Rochel Eliana Necha at Rachel Dovid en aila Shaindel Doda at Ita Semichas haver Programoffice@mtsinaishul. com Shani San Solo, Recording Secretary Financial Secretary Gilad Kopelman, Treasurer Office Hours Mon-Thurs: 8:00am-4:00pm | Fri: 8:00am-11:30am Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. com to join the waitlist. Join here! Summer 2023 Months (June 26th- August 25th) 2023-2024 School Year (September 5th-June 20th) Regular Hours (M-Th 9:00am-4:00pm; F 9:00am-2pm) Extended Morning Hours Only: 8am-9am Extended Afternoon Hours Only: 4pm-6pm & Fridays: time varies Extended Full Day - Morning & Afternoon Hours (M-Th: 9am-6pm + extended Fridays) *Please note, registration for the 2023-2024 school year (Sept 23-June 24. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 Masks:[email protected] to add/remove a name. The Mount Sinai Eruv has recently been expanded northward to include the YM & YWHA. com//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. 0 PRODID:-//ShulCloud. Sinai programs and to share member announcements email the office at [email protected] Taubes at racheli@mtsinaishul. com 212. The program will feature five opportunities to hear from the Browns, including a Friday night dinner and oneg. OFFICERS: Yehuda Krupka Security Oneg 8:00 pm President [email. The education committee is looking for speakers for kinnot on Tisha 'Av morning and for Shiurim in the afternoon. Daily Daf Yomi Hop on for the daily dose of daf! Newcomers Welcome! Sundays, 9:30am (Sunday ID: 150 849 065) Mondays-Thursdays, 8:15pm (Weekday ID: 540 883 465) WhatsApp QR code Prince of Egypt Movie NightAsara b'Tevet in Halacha, Hashkafa and History office with any questions. We are still here for you and want to hear from you! Email: office@mtsinaishul. The Mount Sinai - Heights Eruv is noted in Purple (left) in the map. * Sponsorship Type. com to add/remove a name. Today's Calendar. Just about everything we do is driven by our members, and the best way to get involved is through one of our extremely active committees. familylife@mtsinaishul. Budgeting done right is empowering, not restrictive. Gilad Kopelman, President [email protected] Shani San Solo, Recording Secretary Shira indiger, Financial Secretary Treasurer Office Hours: M-Th 8am-4pm | Fri: by appointment only Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. com andle Lighting 5:43 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:48 pm 7:00 am Post Hashkama Shiur 8:50 am Shacharit 9:00 am RGM 9:05 am Zman Kri’at Shema 9:59 am Youth Groups-Free Play 9:45 am Minyan Katan 10:15 am Tot Shabbat 10:20 am Early Mincha 3:00 pm Mincha/Seudah Shlishit 5:25 pm Shkiah 6:00 pmBEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. Below are some great resources with. COMMUNITY NOTICE There are new procedures in place for the Washington Heights Womens Mikvah. com Racheli Taubes, Yoetzet Halacha [email protected]. Moriah Senior Center. com to add/remove a name. YU Eruv Status Click Here. Join Our Mailing List . com to add/remove a name. Registration is closed for women, but there are still a few spots left open at this event for men. Step by step painting. About Our Classes . *This premium membership comes with a seat at all Mt. com. Printable Eruv Map Available Here. For Mt. com Shani San Solo Recording Secretary Shira indiger Financial Secretary Ari Rieser Treasurer If you would like 135 ennett Ave. com Racheli Taubes, Yoetzet Halacha [email protected]:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. Around theWorld! 8th Annual Trivia Panoply. YU Eruv Status Click Here. Please email. Email education@mtsinaishul. Dear Community, The Midrash tells us that when the time came for the Bnei Yisrael to depart. (Office entrance on West 187th between Broadway and Bennett) Phone: (212) 568-1900. UPOMING PROGRAMS & EVENTS REFUAH SHELEIMA DAILY LEARNINGThose unable to attend in person, please join us on Zoom. General B. See attached notice in this week's email for more details. com//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 andle Lighting 6:35pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 6:40pmThis form is now closed. rabbi@mtsinaishul. com andle Lighting 4:54 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 4:59 pm Hashkama 7:00 am Shacharit 9:00 am RGM 9:05 am-Hashkama Shiur 9:10 am ’at Shema 9:38 am 9:45 am Junior Minyan 10:00 am 10:20 am-Kiddush onvos 11:35 am 3:00 pm Daf Yomi 3:55 pm Mincha/Seudah Shlishit 4:45 pm. com 6:15 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 6:20 pm Hashkama 7:00 am Post-Hashkama Shiur 8:50 am Shacharit 9:00 am RGM 9:05 am Zman Kri’at Shema 9:50 am Youth Groups-Free Play 9:45 am Minyan Katan 10:15 am Tot Shabbat 10:20 am Early Mincha Shabbat Shuva Drasha 4:50 pm Mincha/Seudah Shlishit 5:55 pm. com. Rabbi Schwartz will be making a Siyum, celebrating the completion of learning Masechet Avodah Zara after 6 and a half years. com, or by phone at (917) 336-9658 with any questions. Please email office@mtsinaishul. Welcome to Mount Sinai Jewish Center! 135 Bennett Avenue New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 mtsinaishul. Register This form is not active. Code of Conduct of The Medical Staff Page 4 Article II. To submit your video, send it via digital media to the Event Committee at [email protected] for Meeting ID and payment information. com if you'd like to take advantage of this exciting opportunity!rabbi@mtsinaishul. c) The Purim Committee will choose the best of all of the submissions to be screened at the Purim event. General B. com. Please Select One Kesher Sponsor $36 Main Kiddush Sponsor (click for options) Hashkama Kiddush Sponsor (click for options) Seudah Shlishit Sponsor $130 Eruv Sponsor $100 Shabbat Security Sponsor (click for options) Sunday. 10th Annual Trivia Panoply. If you would like to help set up or clean up, please email [email protected] by March 5th. com. A certified true copy of the bylaw must be kept in the bylaw. com Officers Trustees JEREMY STERN PRESIDENT president@mtsinaishul. com Racheli Taubes, Yoetzet HalachaIf you see any suspicious activity or an unattended package, [email protected] (212) 568-1900 Men’s Mikveh - (212) 923-8410 Located at Dumbrow- 121-131 Bennett Ave. com so that we know to restock. 2 to make an appointment. AKE AT HOME!BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. Soak Up The Sun! Join Mt. com. com Mirasha Moore, Executive. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 Shabbat Dayyou there! office@mtsinaishul. com Rabbi Schwartz is out of the country until January 7th. PURIM 2022! UPOMING PROGRAMS & EVENTS REFUAH SHELEIMA DAILY LEARNING Daily Daf Yomi Hop on for the daily dose of daf! Newcomers Welcome! Sundays, 9:30am (Sunday ID: 150 849 065) Mondays-Thursdays, 8:15pm (Weekday ID: 540 883 465) FOLLOW US! WhatsApp QR. com. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 Shabbat. Mount Sinai Jewish Center is a vibrant Modern Orthodox synagogue with a rich history spanning more than 100 years in Washington Heights. Mount Sinai Jewish Center is a vibrant Modern Orthodox synagogue with a rich history spanning more than 100 years in Washington Heights. Unmask the Competition. BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. Please contact oren@mtsinaishul. taking place in the Social Hall at 10:30pm. com Dena Block 201-921-8992;[email protected] ORNERofficers and the Executive Director of MSJ for their part in SPONSORSHIPS HIGH HOLIDAY SEATS PROGRAMMING & EVENTS Open Learning Shabbat Afternoon, one hour before Mincha’ ome and join us this Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary• forPlease email [email protected] for more information. com//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. Author: Office 1 Created Date: 3/23/2017 2:30:51 PM. All MSJ minyanim are being held in the Main Sanctuary. BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. A free person, on the other Dear ommunity, This week to the Promised Land. com Dena Block 201-921-8992; yoetzet@mtsinaishul. Semichas haver Program elow is a list of names submitted by members of family and friends in the Tuesday, November 8th, 8:00pmcontact [email protected]@mtsinaishul. com Shani San Solo, Recording Secretary Shira indiger, Financial Secretary Treasurer Office Hours Friday Mon & Tues: losed | Wed & Thurs: 8am-4pm | Fri: 8am-12pm Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. Finding an Apartment. com//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. com. com Sarah Ratner, Vice President vp@mtsinaishul. com 212. Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. Oren can be reached at (212) 568-1900 or oren@mtsinaishul. ” There is an old joke where a. com Sarah Ratner, Vice President Shacharit vp@mtsinaishul. Games begin at 9:00 PM. com Pamela Kaplan Recording. com. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 andle Lighting 7:41pmPlease email office@mtsinaishul. Mount Sinai Eruv - Up. com. 212-568-1900 President: Jeremy Stern Vice-President: Yehudis Isenberg Recording Secretary: Rebecca Weiser Financial Secretary: Matthew Furleiter Treasurer: Yossi Mandelbaum Senior Rabbi: R’ Ezra Schwartz Rabbi Emeritus: R’ Dr. The latest tweets from @MishalHusainBBCA bylaw register is a collection of current bylaws of the municipality which is maintained separate from the minutes [email protected] email [email protected] PRODID:-//ShulCloud. Daily Daf Yomi: Hop on for the daily dose of daf! Newcomers welcome! Sundays, 9:30am (Sunday ID: 150 849 065) Mondays-Thursdays, 8:15pm (Weekday ID: 540 883 465) Davening at Mt. com, or by phone at (917) 336-9658 with any questions. Mount Sinai Eruv - Up. UPOMING PROGRAMS & EVENTS REFUAH SHELEIMA DAILY DAF YOMI elebrate Tu ’Shvat Monday, January 17th Join us for one or both parts of our Tu ’Shvat celebration! Part one: Open Play 10:00am-12:00pm Many schools are closed so join us for open play! Art table, ride on toys, board. president@mtsinaishul. 0 PRODID:-//ShulCloud. Please contact Rabbi Etan [email protected]:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. com Racheli Taubes, Yoetzet Halacha [email protected] write a Torah Tidbits, visit Past Shiurim by Rabbi Taubes: Shemittah & Me: Part 3 (10/27/2021). com Sarah Ratner, Vice President [email protected]@mtsinaishul. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 office@mtsinaishul. rabbi@mtsinaishul. This form is not active. 0 PRODID:-//ShulCloud. Rabbi Yaakov Taubes Shabbat Schedule Rabbi [email protected] Candle Lighting 4:37 pm Racheli Taubes Yoetzet Halacha [email protected] Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 4:42 pm . This eruv borders the YU eruv, indicated in blue (right) in the map. Anyone interested should be in touch with Shaya First, Davida Kollmar, or Sarah Rubin. To sponsor the Eruv, thank you! You can do so online or contact the shul office at (212) 568-1900. com Sarah Ratner, Vice President vp@mtsinaishul. Sukkah space is limited. Share Print Save To My Calendar: Email. Tu B’shvat reminds us of our connection to our land and its soil and its produce. If you are able to donate, you may do so below. Kesher. com Sunday Erev Sukkot Monday Sukkot Tuesday Sukkot Wednesday hol Hamoed Thursday hol Hamoed Friday hol Hamoed September 23 14 Tishrei Shacharit 7:30,8:00,9:00a andle Lighting 6:34p Mincha 6:39p Divrei Torah Maariv 7:15p September 24 15 Tishrei Shacharit 9:00a Mincha 6:25p Divrei. 568. Feel free to contact Racheli Taubes at rac[email protected] did not, please email familylife@mtsinaishul. Thank you for keeping our members safe! Due to new guidelines, we have added more seats and are no longer requireing signups. Dr. We are still here for you and want to hear from you! Email: [email protected] Wednesday Shani San Solo, Recording Secretary Shira indiger, Financial Secretary Thursday Gilad Kopelman, Treasurer Mount Sinai Jewish enter andle Lighting: 6:42pm 135 ennett Ave. 135 Bennet Avenue @ 187th St Phone: (212) 568-1900 Email: [email protected] submit your video, send it via digital media to the Event Committee at purim@mtsinaishul. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 andle Lighting 7:38pmRegine at familylife@mtsinaishul. 1900 OFFI ERS: Moshe erow President [email protected] Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Rosh hodesh Friday Rosh hodesh February 11 26 Shevat Shacharit 7:30,8:00,8:30,9:00a General Membership Meeting 10:00a Mincha/Maariv 5:10p Maariv 10:00p February 12 27 Shevat Shacharit 6:45,7:20,8:00a Mincha/Maariv 5:10p lood Drive. 921. com//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. Applicants Notified of Nominations: Saturday, May 27th. com to add/remove a name. We are excited to have you join our shul! New Members Apply Here Click to Renew your membership _______________ About Membership Dues Dues support. com to add/remove a name. New York, NY 10040 (212) 568-1900 SPONSORS SHA AT/YOM TOV TIMES POST HAGIM. The Holidays Sub-Committee is responsible for running social community programs focused around Jewish holidays, including Simchat Torah, Purim, Yom Haatzmaut, and Shavuot, with the goal of initiating or enhancing communal celebration of each holiday. Daily Daf Yomi: Hop on for the daily dose of daf! Sundays, 9:30am (Sunday ID: 150 849 065) Mondays-Thursdays, 8:15pm (Weekday ID: 540 883 465) Local seniors are looking for rides to visit graves of their loved ones in New Jersey. This hotline number is a dedicated voice mailbox that is accessible 24 hours a day and monitored solely by the Ombudsperson. 313 likes · 3 talking about this · 51 were [email protected]. com Nike Prroj, Building Manager Ari Rieser, Friday TORAH TIDITTHIS SHA AT OFFI ERS: Gilad Kopelman, President president@mtsinaishul. Mordecai Schnaidman Rabbi Emeritus Dena lock Yoetzet Halacha [email protected] PRODID:-//ShulCloud. com//Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Mount Sinai Jewish Center Calendar X-WR. Please email office@mtsinaishul. COM. Search Amazon using this link and a portion of your purchase will support Mt. Please contact [email protected]@mtsinaishul. Donations can be made by clicking the link below or by contacting the shul office at [email protected] Rabbi Schwartz’s Office Hours Monday Nights by request; 212-568-1900; [email protected] as we have limited walk-in space. Shani San Solo, Vice President vp@mtsinaishul. BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. Evan Finkelstein Shaya First Becca Gelberman Davida Kollmar Batsheva Loeb Contact [email protected] to be put on our waitlist for Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur. dush@mtsinaishul. com Wednesday Shani San Solo, Recording Secretary Shira indiger, Financial Secretary Thursday Treasurer andle Lighting —Thurs: 8amOffice Hours: Mon-4pm | Fri: 8am12pm Mount Sinai Jewish enter 135 ennett Ave. Shemini Atzeret Dinner & Oneg. 1,548 likes · 1 talking about this · 407 were here. It is the intention of MSJC to foster a. com Mirasha Moore, Executive Director [email protected] Sarah Ratner, Vice President [email protected]. New York, NY 10040. If you'd like to donate in honor of the Siyum, please contact the office at office@mtsinaishul. Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 5:30 Friday 9:00 - 1:00 (212) 568-1900 [email protected] more information, email daycare@mtsinaishul. rabbi@mtsinaishul. com Dena Block 201-921-8992;[email protected] Sinai Jewish Center, New York, New [email protected] PRODID:-//ShulCloud. Please be in touch with the office if you have any questions about payment or seat reservations. com no later than Thursday, 12:00pm. Nonprofit OrganizationMount Sinai Jewish Center of Washington Heights 4 reviews Unclaimed Synagogues Edit Write a review Add photo Save Photos & videos See all 1 photos Add photo Location & Hours 135 Bennett Ave New York, NY. president@mtsinaishul. Saturday Night, February 11th, 2017Read some of our past Toah Tidbits below! Yitro. Naftali Polachek Vice President [email protected]: Email: [email protected]@mtsinaishul. Sinai programs and to share member announcements email the office at office@mtsinaishul.